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The Guidance Section holds a wealth of information on a wide range of subjects relating to general practice.

We have tried to arrange the guidance as simply as we can but we would encourage you to use the Search Guidance facility.

Accepting donations from patients
Access to Health Records
Ambulance Delays - GMPI Advice on Transportation of Patients (June 2023)

Child Protection - Protecting Children and Young People: Doctors' Responsibilities
Clinical Communications Protocol (CCP) - WHC(2018)014
CCP - Breach of Communications Standards template letter

Community Pharmacy: A Guide for GPs and practice staff
Complementary Therapists Referral 
Confidentiality: good practice in handling patient information 
Confirmation & Certification of Death
Continuing Professional Development - GMC Guidance
Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority: gatering medical information

Data controllers' responsibilities
Dental Problems - patients presenting with dental problems BMA guidance
Deprivation of Liberty Standards (DoLS)
Drug Driving Quick Reference Guide 
DWP Medical Reports Completion

Excessive Prescribing Focus Note

Feedback form for inappropriate Prescribing Requests
Fertility Clinic standard letter (May 2021)
Firearms Guidance - BMA
Fit Note - Getting the most out of the fit note (Oct 2022)  

Gender Incongruence in Primary Care (BMA guidance)
General Medical Practice Indemnity (GMPI) Guidelines
Guide to LMCs and BMA GPC in Wales

Handing back a GMS Contract
HIW Practice Inspections: GPC Wales advice note
Housing Association letters

IM&T - focus on Welsh IM&T systems (GPC Wales, February 2014)
Indemnity 1: Focus on state-backed GP Indemnity for Wales (BMA guidance) - updated 28 May 2019
Indemnity 2: General Medical Practice Indemnity (GMPI) - FAQs
Insurance Reports: Subject Access Requests
Interface between NHS and private treatment for doctors in England, Wales and NI
IR35 Employment Status and IR35 classification

Jury Service GPC Guidance

Lease - GP Practice Lease Information
List Closure and Changes to Branch Surgery Access
Locum Agreements in General Practice 


Managing workload to deliver safe patient care: BMA advice for GPs
Medical Examiner for South Wales Central & South East (ppt Jan 2021)
Mental Capacity Act

Overseas Visitors and Access to Primary Care

Partnership Agreements - BMA Guidance
Performers List Guidance
Phlebotomy Specification
Piercings - WHC(2018)008 Intimate Piercing Provisions within the Public Health (Wales) Act 2017
PIP Quick Guide for Health Professionals
Police Requests for Medical Notes from General Practice - June 2017
Police Requests for Medical Notes from General Practice - Proforma Letter for Practices - November 2017
Prescribing and Dispensing
Prescribing Communication Form template (C&V)
Prescribing Communication Form template (CTM)
Prescription Direction
Private practice
Private Treatment - Interface with NHS
Professional Fees: frequently asked questions

GP Retention Scheme
Retirement Procedures
Returning to work after retirement

Safeguarding Children and Adults at Risk in General Practice
Safe Specimen Handling
Salaried GPs - Model Contract
Salaried GP Handbook
Salaried GPs working under new models of care
Sessional GPs - How to set up and develop a sessional GP group
Sickness certification for schools etc
Sick leave and study leave for Trainee GPs
Suspended GPs

Taking on New Partners
Transgender Patients - prescribing Hormone Therapy (Sept 16)
Transgender Patients - GPC Wales Statement on prescribing for transgender patients
Travel Immunisations

Vaccinations and Immunisations Guidance
Veterans Healthcare

WCCG Supplementary Information - guidance on sending supplementary information through WCCG